SQL: Employee Salary
/* Exercise NO 21
Generate the employee details and
compute the salary based on the department.*/
-- creating database employee and opening it for use.
create database employee;
use employee;
-- create employee table in employee database
create table emp_table(
emp_id int(4),
Dpt_id int(4),
emp_name varchar(20),
salary decimal(7,2)
-- create department table
create table dpt_table(
dpt_id int(5),
dpt_name varchar(20),
supervisor varchar(20)
-- Insert record into the employee table.
INSERT INTO EMP_table (emp_id,Dpt_id,emp_name,salary)VALUES (101, 01, 'ARUN', 15000);
INSERT INTO EMP_table (emp_id,Dpt_id,emp_name,salary)VALUES (102, 02, 'ARUNachalam', 25000);
INSERT INTO EMP_table (emp_id,Dpt_id,emp_name,salary)VALUES (103, 03, 'Blesson', 15000);
INSERT INTO EMP_table (emp_id,Dpt_id,emp_name,salary)VALUES (104, 04, 'Charan', 45000);
INSERT INTO EMP_table (emp_id,Dpt_id,emp_name,salary)VALUES (105, 05, 'Lavanya', 50000);
INSERT INTO EMP_table (emp_id,Dpt_id,emp_name,salary)VALUES (106, 06, 'ketan', 75000);
INSERT INTO EMP_table (emp_id,Dpt_id,emp_name,salary)VALUES (107, 07, 'Keerthana', 29000);
INSERT INTO EMP_table (emp_id,Dpt_id,emp_name,salary)VALUES (108, 08, 'Jyothi', 15000);
INSERT INTO EMP_table (emp_id,Dpt_id,emp_name,salary)VALUES (109, 09, 'pavan', 25000);
INSERT INTO EMP_table (emp_id,Dpt_id,emp_name,salary)VALUES (110, 10, 'ARUNRAJ', 20000);
-- insert records in the department table
insert into dpt_table(dpt_id ,dpt_name , supervisor ) values(05,'purchase','Raghav');
insert into dpt_table(dpt_id,dpt_name,supervisor)values(01,'sales','Shyam');
insert into dpt_table(dpt_id,dpt_name,supervisor)values(09,'purchase','Sundar');
insert into dpt_table(dpt_id,dpt_name,supervisor)values(09,'Accounts','Sundar');
-- 1. Find the names of all employees who work for the Accounts department.
select * from emp_table where dpt_id=(select dpt_id from dpt_table where dpt_name='accounts');
-- 2. How many employees work for Accounts department?
select count(*) from emp_table where dpt_id=(select dpt_id from dpt_table where dpt_name='accounts');
-- 3. What are the Minimum, Maximum and Average salary of employees working for Accounts department?
select min(salary),max(salary),avg(salary) from emp_table where dpt_id=(select dpt_id from dpt_table where dpt_name='accounts');
-- 4. List the employees working for a particular supervisor.
select * from emp_table where dpt_id=(select dpt_id from dpt_table where supervisor='pandu');
-- 5. Retrieve the department names for each department where only one employee works.
select dpt_name from dpt_table where dpt_id in( select dpt_id from emp_table group by dpt_id having count(*)=1);
-- 6. Increase the salary of all employees in the sales department by 15%.
update emp_table set salary=salary+salary*15/100 where dpt_id=(select dpt_id from dpt_table where dpt_name='sales');
-- 7. Add a new Colum to the table EMPLOYEE called BONUS and compute 5% of the salary to the said field.
alter table emp_table add(bonus Decimal(7,2));
update emp_table set bonus=salary5*/100;
-- Display the final record set in employee table.
select * from emp_table;
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