C++ Program: Concept of Pointers to Objects
// 13 C++ program - Concept of pointers to objects /* Create a class containing the following data members Register_No, Name and Fees. Also create a member function to read and display the data using the concept of pointers to objects. */ #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class Student { private: long regno; char name[20]; float fees; public: void readdata( ); void display( ); }; void Student::readdata( ) { cout<<"Enter the Register Number:"<<endl; cin>>regno; cout<<"Enter the Student Name:"<<endl; cin>>name; cout<<"Enter the Fees:"<<endl; cin>>fees; } void Student::display( ) { cout<<"Register Number : "<<regno<<endl; cout<<"Student Name : "<<name<<endl; cout<<"Fees : "<<fees<<endl; } void main( ) { Student *S; // Create a pointer to point Student object clrscr(...